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College Emblem

The emblem of the college in contrasting black and white shades contain a horizontal 'nib' of a pen used as the 'arm' of a 'scale of justice' with an 'eye' in the 'nib' and the pan of the scale with a flame is projected as a lamp.

It is perceived that the arm of the scale of justice in the form of nib of a pen denotes that the pen is mightier than the sword because it is an instrument of expression of conscience which is the foundation of justice. The eye in the pen's nib indicate that the judicial conscience is always urgent for keeping the arm of the scale of justice balanced to do equal justice to all. The pen on the scale with the flame projected as a lamp indicates that the justice so done with conscience to remove darkness (black) of evil from society restoring light of goodness (white) in their conflicts.

The emblem of the college was designed by Aswini Kumar Bezbaruah in 1981.

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